Shops in Southampton Way
Shops in Southampton Way
Record No
Shops in Southampton Way
View of multiple retail premises at 94-106 Southampton Way, Camberwell. The first business at the left of the image and located at 106 Southampton Way is called The Gem and is a tobacconist and confectioner advertising Cadbury's and Bournville chocolate, Walls Ice Cream, Players cigarettes and Nut Brown tobacco. A Morris Commercial L2 van operated by John T. Michell, Wholesale Manufacturing Confectioners is parked outside. The next premises at 104 Southampton Way is operated by S.J. Soar but the exact function is unclear. The next business at 102 Southampton Way was formerly operated by J. Smith, selling "fancy goods", but the premises are now to let and appear to be unoccupied. The next shop at 100 Southampton Way is called Jacksons and appears to be a general store with doormats hanging outside on display. Two women, one holding a small child, stand outside. The premises at 98 Southampton Way are unmarked and its function unclear. At 96 Southampton Way, at the junction with Harris Street, is a substantial four-storey building with a billiard hall on the ground floor and two bicycles leaning against the wall. A van (make unknown) operated by Jones & Higgins Ltd of Peckham - a department store trading until the 1980s - is parked outside the billiard hall. Another unidentified vehicle is parked in front of the Jones & Higgins van. The area has been extensively redeveloped for residential use and none of the buildings shown in the image remain today. The image is marked 22.6.38.
Date of execution
The London Archives
LCC Photograph Library
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London picture map location
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