This view shows three pairs of Victorian two-storey semi-detached houses at numbers 17-27 on the south side of Townshend Terrace in the Sheen Road conservation area of Richmond-upon-Thames. All share similar window surrounds, a central arched false window, and a pair of diamond pattern motifs in red brick, contrasting with the yellow brick frontages, although they are difficult to see in this black and white photograph. All are listed locally as Buildings of Townscape Merit. The nearest pair, numbers 27 and 25 to the left of view appear to have had little external alteration since, although the white ranch style fence shown has been removed. Number 25 has two Liberal Party election posters on display supporting Alison Cornish (1935-2003), a long-serving local councillor and later mayor, first elected in 1974. Beyond, the houses at numbers 21 and 23 have since had two-storey side extensions added, and numbers 17 and 19 beyond, partly obscured by trees in the front garden, have had less extensive alteration. There are no cars shown in the road, which has since had contolled parking arrangements implemented.