View of 28-34 Borough High Street, Southwark, by Southwark Street. Number 28, on the corner of Southwark Street, is the Midland Bank a late-nineteenth century three-storey building with basement and attics. It remains a bank, now HSBC, and is Grade II listed, number 1378345. Built on the site of an old prison (or compter) and court house that itself had been built on the site of the twelfth-century St Margaret's church. Next, an early-nineteenth century four-storey residential building with a shop on the ground floor that is now a restaurant. It is Grade II listed, number 1423541. Between this building and the Midland Bank is a narrow passageway, Counter Court, originally Compter Court, recognising the former site of the prison and court house On the left, the Westminster Bank; a four-storey rectangular building with attics, and ornate decoration around the attic window. Built in 1862-63 by Frederic Chancellor for the London and County Bank in an Italian Palazzo style, it is Grade II listed, number 1378346. There are a number of pedestrians, cars, a motorbike and, to the left, a dustcart.