View of 113-127 Newington Butts, Elephant and Castle. A row of nineteenth-century three and four-storey buildings with shops and entrance to Brune Place. At 113 is Joseph P. Hall, bakers, and 115 is occupied by Keefe, corset maker. A tobacconist is at 117, with adverts for cigarette brands: Craven "A", Wills "Capstan", Players Navy Cut, Wills "Gold Flake" and Players Navy Mixture tobacco. An arched entrance between 117 and 119 leads to Brune Court, where a man stands with a broom. Number 119 has mannequins in the window and is a ladies' tailor, A. Chittenden. A kneeling man with a bucket cleans the shop doorway. Numbers are 121-123 is West (Butchers) Ltd, and on the corner with Crampton Street at 125-127 is Harvey & Thompson, pawnbrokers. Numbers 113-127 Newington Butts were demolished to make way for Draper Estate, built by the LCC in 1965, and still extant.