View across waste ground from Draper Street looking north east to Newington Butts and Elephant and Castle. The classical portico of the Metropolitan Tabernacle is visible, left intact after World War II bombing destroyed the rest of the building. There is a row of shops in the nineteenth century buildings along Newington Butts including a tobacconist and men's clothiers. Billboards and shops advertise cigarettes ("Players Please", Wills Gold Flake, Churchill), Smarties, Persil, Surf and Osram light bulbs. A wall in the foreground has flyposters advertising motor and scooter magazines and wrestling events, and next to these is a plaque commemorating the birthplace of Michael Faraday, scientist, 1791-1867. The Elephant and Castle was redeveloped post World War II and neither Draper Street nor many of these buildings remain, with the exception of the Metropolitan Tabernacle, rebuilt in 1957, which is a Grade II listed building, list entry number 1385730. The Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre was built on the area of waste ground in 1965 by Boissevain and Osmond, and is still extant but earmarked for demolition and redevelopment.