General view of vacant lots bounded by a cleft wood fence on the east side of Purdy Street, formerly Burdett Street, Bow, looking south-east. The area was previously a row of two-storey terraced houses numbered 1-12 Purdy Street. On the left is the side elevation and boundary wall of 33 Tibbatt's Road and the rear gardens of other houses in the terrace, one with a washing line. Behind the terrace on Tibbatt's Road is a disused warehouse without a roof, numbered 156a Devons Road, which had access via an entrance between numbers 19 and 25 Tibbatt's Road and a main entrance between numbers 156 and 158 Devons Road. In the centre is a large residential housing tower block, called Broxbourne House, at the corner of Brickfield Road (now part of Empson Street) and Devas Street which was built in the early 1950s as part of the Coventry Cross Estate. To the right, in the far distance, are warehouses, factories, cranes and Russia Wharf saw mill on the Limehouse Cut. On the right, at the end of the terrace on the corner of Devons Road with a crane behind, is the Queen Victoria public house at 184 Devons Road. All of the buildings in the area have since been demolished and redeveloped with low rise residential housing.