The Earl of Devon public house at 213 Devons Road, Bromley-by-Bow, situated on the corner with Furze Street. Numbers 205-211 Devons Road can also be seen. At the far end of the terrace, at numbers 205-207, is the former Tryphena Mission, now derelict, where meals were provided for the poor and destitute. The shops next door, including 'Charlie's' are boarded up and abandoned. Only the Earl of Devon, a Truman's public house, is still in business. On the far left, beyond corrugated metal hoarding, is a modern block of flats in Gale Street. A pedestrian walks past a saloon car parked in Furze Street, on the right. The flats in Gale Street still exist but the Earl of Devon pub is the only building that remains in this old terrace and it has been converted into flats. The neighbouring buildings have been demolished and the site is now part of Furze Green, a public park.