Vauxhall Gardens, Lambeth
Vauxhall Gardens, Lambeth
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Vauxhall Gardens, Lambeth
q9516685 (Collage 17326)
London Metropolitan Archives: Main Print Collection
Illustration of ‘Pandean Minstrels’ performing at Vauxhall Gardens. All five performers - Primo, Secondo, Basso, and Tenore (Contra-Basso) - are playing Pandean pipes, often known as panpipes.

A minstrel was a medieval European entertainer, often a musician, juggler, acrobat, singer or fool, the term later, from the sixteenth century, came to mean a specialist entertainer who sang songs and played musical instruments. This is not to be confused with minstrel shows involving White performers in blackface during the 18th and early 19th centuries that were a racist form of entertainment popular in the USA and the UK.
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