The White House in Woodford Green
The White House in Woodford Green
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The White House in Woodford Green
SC_PHL_01_563_77_7398 (Collage 147131)
London Metropolitan Archives: LCC Photograph Library
The White House and gardens, Woodford New Road/High Road, Woodford Green. Originally built as a luxurious family home in 1906. The building and its extensive grounds were bought by the affluent Mallinson family in 1924, who planted a collection of trees on the land, the first of which - a walnut - was put in place by World War II hero Viscount Montgomery in 1953. Winston Churchill and King George VI were among a number of other famous names to have visited the estate before the family gifted it to Waltham Forest Council in the 1980s to prevent it being broken up. It was then used as a care home for the elderly until 2000 when it was bought by the Haven House Foundation, which turned it into a hospice for children with life-limiting illnesses.
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