Shops in Newington Butts
Shops in Newington Butts
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Shops in Newington Butts
SC_PHL_01_372_F5871 (Collage 114746)
London Metropolitan Archives: LCC Photograph Library
View of front elevations of 87-91 Newington Butts, Elephant and Castle. At 87 is Lewis' Stores, grocers, with shop windows and doorway displaying pyramids of tins and other dry goods. A pram or pushchair is by the door, and an advert for Benedict Peas is partially visible behind two boards on the pavement. In front of the four-storey shop is a Police Telephone Post. High on the left of 87 is a billboard poster advertising beer, designed to look like graffiti on a wall with the slogan "Build up with Reid's Stout". This "brick wall" design was first used in 1937 and became a long-running campaign by brewers Watney, Combe, Reid & Co. Ltd. Above this is a poster for Fairy Household Soap. Number 89 Newington Butts is a four-storey stone clad building with double gates leading to a yard beyond, and occupied by J.E. Whiter, builder. Late nineteenth-century maps show that the entrance at number 89 led to a large sperm oil works where whale spermaceti was refined into oil and wax. Elhanan Bicknell and John Langton, leading sperm oil merchants, had premises opposite Newington Church, so this refinery behind 89 Newington Butts may have been the site of their business. To the right at number 91 is H. Barnard, umbrella manufacturers, with a window display of baskets and umbrellas, partially obscured by a wooden sided, drop-end lorry loaded with sacks and parked in front of the shop. Number 87-91 Newington Butts were demolished to make way for Draper Estate, built by the LCC in 1965, with the land these shops occupied becoming a green area in front of Sherston Court and Draper House.
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