Villas in Castelnau
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Villas in Castelnau
Villas in Castelnau
SC_PHL_01_678_75_14026 (Collage 162133)
The London Archives: LCC Photograph Library
Castlenau is an avenue which connects Barnes with Hammersmith Bridge in the conservation area of the same name in Richmond-upon-Thames. Built by Major Charles Lestock Boileau c1842 and designed by William Laxton, the semi-detached villas in the central section of the avenue at numbers 91-125 and numbers 84-122, most having their own coach house, are of classical influence and all were Grade II listed in 1983, listing number 1358080. This view of number 125, at the northern end of the group of villa, features a projecting extension of similar height and style to the house apparently providing two self contained flats.
Castlenau is an avenue which connects Barnes with Hammersmith Bridge in the conservation area of the same name in Richmond-upon-Thames. Built by Major Charles Lestock Boileau c1842 and designed by William Laxton, the semi-detached villas in the central section of the avenue at numbers 91-125 and numbers 84-122, most having their own coach house, are of classical influence and all were Grade II listed in 1983, listing number 1358080. This view of number 125, at the northern end of the group of villa, features a projecting extension of similar height and style to the house apparently providing two self contained flats.
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