Ebbutt's Depository in South End
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Ebbutt's Depository in South End
Ebbutt's Depository in South End
SC_PHL_01_657_73_2689 (Collage 162019)
The London Archives: LCC Photograph Library
Front elevation of Ebbutt's Depository, 4 South End, Croydon. A three-storey building. In view are a set of traffic lights, a Routemaster bus and a street light. Ebbutt's Depository no long exists, having been replaced by a block of flats.
Front elevation of Ebbutt's Depository, 4 South End, Croydon. A three-storey building. In view are a set of traffic lights, a Routemaster bus and a street light. Ebbutt's Depository no long exists, having been replaced by a block of flats.
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